Offering Online Therapy

I offer HIPPA compliant Video Sessions for simple and secure session for for all new and returning clients. No download required. Please contact me for more information or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation. Thanks you! Greg Carpenter LMFT

Sunday, December 8, 2019


There is the story of the little girl who was the only child at the Christmas dinner table full of adults. All of a sudden, she blurts out "pass the damn salt!" You can image that this got a swift and quick response from mom, dad plus looks of disapproval from aunts, uncles and grandparents (although I am sure there was at least one adult stifling their laughter). She was quickly taken from the table, reprimanded and put in time out. Only later that evening did they realized the recorder had been left on and captured the table talk. The little girl could be heard politely asking for the salt ten times before she blurted out, "Pass the Damn Salt!"

Listening and effective communication becomes even more central as we navigate multiple expectations during this time of year. This season of serial holidays creates opportunities for joy, fun and play. But unfulfilled expectations quite often enter the mix.

Communication happens on a playing field that includes much more than the content of our words. Many of you have probably witnessed a person saying they are not angry as they stand across from you with their jaw and fists clenched.

  • Who hasn't shown up for a party on time only to discover that the stated time really means things don't get going for another hour and a half!

  • Have you ever communicated with the intention of getting closer to someone only to be rebuffed for being too smothering?

  • Maybe you made a suggestion to change up the holiday tradition and bumped into, "that's not the way we do things around here!"

In my early training as a therapist, I encountered the concept of Communication Domains at The Kantor Family Institute (Kantor and Lehr “Inside The Family). They researched healthy families and concluded that the goal of all interactions could be categorized within three areas of Power/Action, Connection and Meaning.

Three Different Goals of Communication and Interaction

Meaning (Head) – communication seeks to deal with issues of identity and provide a framework for understanding reality. The playing field is thought, beliefs, values, vision and purpose. Jesus statement in his Sermon on the Mount “You are the salt of the earth…” is a statement to his audience about their identity, value and purpose. As a child, whenever I heard my father say "that is not how the Carpenter's behave," (not only did I know I was in trouble) but it was also a road map for our families values and identity.

Action (Power) – seeks movement and focuses on “how things get done.” It isn't necessarily about having power over someone (although it can be). Whenever folk are talking about who is going to do what, when is it going to happen and how will it done; the goal is about power and action.

When I started driving the family car at age 16, Dad had a rule that the driver was responsible for the car. That meant if a passenger left the door open when I was driving, I had to go back out and close the door. When I was a senior in High School, Dad drove us home after playing tennis. He parked the old Chrysler on the curb and we walked into the house together. Dad noticed I had left my car door open. "Greg, go shut your door. You left it open." Standing in front of the doorway, I looked down at the car way down at the bottom of the hill and then at my father and said, "Dad, you remember the rule? The driver is responsible for the car." He just looked and me - smiled and I went down to close the door. We both had a good laugh later at the exchange. Sometimes power and action gets communicated non verbally!

Connection (Heart) – the target of communication is to seek nurture, caring, belonging and intimacy. The playing field is around feelings, sensations, providing and receiving caring interactions. If you aren't familiar with Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages, I suggest you go over to this link and read my summary. Love Languages is ways we communicate our affection and love. click here for Love Languages

I think this can be hard for many folk. Asking directly for more connection, requires you to be vulnerable and risk rejection (which can trigger many past experienced of failed attempts).

In my own experience and as a therapist, I have observed that people have their own unique preference. They are usually more comfortable in one of the three domains over the others. This is also true for families and organizations. They each tend to have a preferred interaction domain.

Communication Domains is a helpful concept for understanding you own communication dynamics at work, home or within all relationship organizations. It is helpful for managing differences and conflict. When one person is targeting connection and the other is focused on getting things done (power) we have a "crossed purpose" communication. Recognizing that can make a big difference in creating a course correction in how you communicate.

My hope for you all is that in the mad rush to get stuff done, there is time to really listen, connect with loved ones and find deeper meaning in you traditions and rituals.
Many Blessings!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sonic Explorations Native Flute Meditation

My work as a counselor has led me into mindfulness and music that is healing and relaxing.  Here is a link to my second Native American Flute Album which can be purchased and downloaded at (with purchase a bonus download of a very brief guided meditation "All Is Well" set to Native American Flute music is available).

Album Notes
Kristin: "Greg, I have an opening in two weeks at Quantum."
Greg: "You want to do something new?"
Kristin: "What do you have in mind?"
Greg: "How about an all native flute and singing bowl sound meditation?"
Kristin: "Let's do it!"
Thus our first collaboration on a Flute & Singing Bowl Sound Meditation was born. So we gathered at Kristin's Quantum Health & Wellness Center and were more than pleased with the meditative effect from the drone of her multiple singing bowls and a variety of different native flutes. This album "Sonic Explorations" is a live recording from this event.
The Sound Meditation has the drone from eight different crystal singing bowls flowing underneath the following different Native American Flutes.
1. White Raven Bass E Native American Flute F#
2. Singing Tree Middle Eastern Scale Flute
3. Singing Tree F# NAF
4. White Raven E Didgeridoo
5. High Spirits D Bass NAF
6. Singing Tree Middle Eastern Scale Flute G#
7. Burmese Whirling Gong
8. Blue Bear River Reed F# NAF
9. Singing Tree Done B-flat NAF
10. High Spirits High E NAF
Greg Carpenter - Native American Flutes & Didgeridoo
Kristin Johnston - Crystal Singing Bowls

Photo and Album Cover design by Greg Carpenter

Thursday, October 31, 2019


My journey into Sound Therapy and Group Sound Meditations, I have put together my first flute album "Passages."  This album is dedicated to my mother Mary Lou Carpenter, whose journey on earth ended on September 4th, 2019.  She loved hearing my Native American Flute, especially as her energy waned toward the end.  I was blessed to have her love, support and encouragement for so long at 91 years of age.

Most of the songs were from live recordings that I performed at Group Sound Meditations. By clicking on the link below, you can also sample each song with no charge or obligation to purchase for up to three times. This has been a work in progress of selecting, editing, naming and what not for the past couple of months. I have a new appreciation for what musicians put into their self published work. Thanks to my friends and family for their support and in particular to the challenge and encouragement from my friends to get this done! Here is the link

Click below to sample my new flute album.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Native Flute & Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation

Event: Native Flute and Singing Bowl Meditation at Quantum Health & Wellness

When: October 27th 11 am - 12 noon

Loction: Quantum HW 
549 Central Ave. Seekonk Ma.

Sound Sample:  Here is 8 minute recording from our last performance with this well blended instruments.   click here

Need a break from fast pace, high stress, modern day living? Sound Meditation can help! RELAX & RECHARGE with Greg Carpenter and Kristin Johnston for an hour long sound bath of Native American/Middle Eastern Flutes and Cyrstal Singing Bowls. Bring whatever you need to make your experience the most comfortable; blankets, pillows, meditations cushions or your own portable chair.

Costs:$30 to pre-register
$35 at the door

To register:
Contact Quantum H&W by calling 508.639.9106 or email at

Monday, August 26, 2019

Letting In The Good

Psychologist, author and mindfulness expert Dr. Rick Hanson, talks about the Negativity Bias. In simple terms, this means that our brain is primarily wired for survival. As far as memory goes, it is more interested in putting a stamp on something painful so it can be avoided in the future. Positive experiences not so much. Unless they are spectacularly large, the brain is sorta like teflon to pleasurable experiences. But there is a process to get them to stick into our memory.

Dr. Hanson has a three step process for managing your mind and increasing those positive experiences to stick.

1. Notice what is going on in your thoughts, feelings and body sensation. This doesn't have to be longer than 30 seconds. But when we run from our negative experiences, there is an old saying that fits, "what we resist - persists."

2. After notices your thoughts, feelings, sensations, if they don't relax a bit, then you can move to using your favorite (healthy:) intervention to shift your experiences. I often tell clients to write on the back of a business card their top five stress buster tools. Often when we are stressed, it seems we forget how to reduce our nervous system's over the top response. Last month I mentioned the One Eye Technique. What is your go to intervention?

3. The last step involves taking 30 seconds to "breathe in the good" as Dr. Hanson like to state. After successfully rebooting your nervouos system or getting it to relax, take a brief moment to focus on that success and sensation, taking in a deep breath at the same time. I like to add in tapping on acupoints as well to boost the process.

Of course you don't have to wait til you have a problem to do step three. You can commit to what Dr. Hanson calls taking in the good all the time. For more information on this process, click here for his article on "Taking In the Good."

When I have made a concerted effort to do so, I can feel the wiring of my brain and a shift in my default perceptions within a few weeks. Now that I think about it, I have had a lot going on this summer, it may be time to recommit to this process. Who is up for an experiment?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

August Sound Meditation

“ Waning Crescent Moon Gong & Bowl Sound Bath”

After participating in The Gong Summit during the first week in July, I am excited to continue to create with my my new gong setup (36 inch Chau Gong with a powerful deep bass, 24 inch Heng Gong which is the sonic psychedelic in the gong world and Noah Bells). This will be added to my already existing three gongs, singing bowls, flute playing and other accent instruments.

I will intuitively design a flow that will provide you the opportunity to receive what you need from this event. Sound Meditations can move scattered energy, expand consciousness, reduce stress and shift stuck thoughts and energy. 

Cost: $35
Date: August 25th
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Ticket Link: please note sound bath in comments

What You Get…
• Sound Bath with Sun, Wind and Burmese Whirling Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls and Native Flutes
• Experience the Deepening Relaxation Effect of Harmonic Sounds
• Energetic Release, Renewal & Movement 
• Move Stuck Energy and Shift in Consciousness

please put in notes Sound Bath

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Introducing My YouTube Channel

I am looking to get more subscribers for my YouTube Channel. If you are looking for recordings of relaxation and entrainment music, then this channel maybe worth visiting. Flute, Hand Drums, Didgeridoo, Himalayan Singing Bowls and Gongs (among other instruments to numerous to name) make up the harmonic recordings. Here is the link to my YouTube Channel.

I'm grinning in this headphone selfie because I am playing in my backyard recording natures offerings for the afternoon.  My most recent recording listed on my channel is my bass flute combined with my backyard recording.  Let me know your response!

Please feel free to respond with what you like to hear more of for creating stress reduction, relaxation and centering.  Currently, I am working on some guided meditation and combining various instruments with nature sounds.

Also, here is a link to my latest newsletter click here

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Full Moon Gong & Singing Bowl Sound Bath

I am still basking in the glow of a transformative week and "energetic high" after attending and presenting at the 21st. International Energy Psychology Conference in New Mexico. My Learning Lab was on "Integrating Sound Therapy in Your Practice." As part of the Learning Lab there was a twenty minute sound bath.

I'm excited to offer another Sound Bath/Meditation locally on the 13th of June. It will be another opportunity to move emotions, energy and impact your nervous system in positive ways. Some folk report feeling more relaxed than they thought possible, many talk about shifts in consciousness/spiritual experiences and some describe significant reduction of physical pain.

There is no way to promise what you will experience. But we do know that the magical sounds of harmonic resonances helps to move emotions, energy and thus impact our psychological, spiritual and physical experience.

“Full Moon Gong & Singing Bowl Sound Bath”
…healing vibrations - your soul on sound

Cost: $35
Date: Thursday June 13th
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm

What You Get…
• Sound Bath with Sun, Wind and Burmese Whirling Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls and Native Flutes
• Experience the Deepening Relaxation Effect of Harmonic Sounds
• Energetic Release, Renewal & Movement
• Move Stuck Energy and Shift in Consciousness

Location: The Soul Purpose 1225 GAR Highway Swansea, Ma.

Leader: Greg Carpenter LMFT
Tapping Therapy & Healing Sound Work or 401.265.2951 (or text)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Quieting Your Minds Negative Stories

There are some fancy names for what I will be teaching in my workshop on April 20th (click here for more information on this workshop), Ambient Mode Music Therapy, psycho-neuroacoustic therapy and many more. But Sound work is an ancient practice that science has proven to be highly effective in creating a relaxed state. Being free of a "fight, flight or freeze" response or anxiety is the beginning of positive shifts and movement. As one instructor of mine is always saying, "movement is life."
Harmonics music or sounds can help you to naturally pacify your nasty internal stories and conditioning. Click here for a short post on your Brain's Negativity Bias My day started with feeling off, in a funk. Immediately, I went up into my head and started searching for all the reasons I might feel this way. Of course, your mind will oblige and create all sorts of reasons to match your feelings. Mental stories then feed negative emotions which in turn feed more negative perceptions and thoughts. As many say in my field, "when you are in your head your dead." When I noticed that I was getting up in my head, I sat briefly with my feelings, often that will create a shift. But today it didn't, so I went over and stood in front of my gong and and played a low drone for about ten minutes. I could feed the my mind quieting down and the sound beginning to wash over me and to create a shift in my feelings and thoughts.
To be clear, playing for ten minutes didn't get me to a state of bliss. But it did create the movement that shifted my energy. Sometimes, that is all we need. Something to wash over us and to create a shift.
Everyone doesn't have a 32 inch Sun Gong in their living room. This workshop is about teaching you the various instruments, harmonic sounds and recordings that can create a similar shift.
For example you can go to my youtube channel and listen to live recordings of Sound Baths. Here is a short sample from Three Gongs (with gongs always sounds better with good headphones)
Click here Three Gongs For more information on Brainwave Music and recordings that can be helpful click on this link to go my post on "What's In Your Wallet: Stress and Music"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Introduction to Sound Therapy and Self Care

Learn how to use the healing sounds of Singing Bowls, Native Flutes, Rattles,  Didgeridoo, Frame Drums and and Gongs to relax and center in your divine Self.  Clear negative thoughts, anxiety and pain with sound work.  Experience and discover the “on/off” switch for managing stress through the healing vibrations of sound!

Cost:   $35/person

Date:  April 20th, 2019
Time:  10 am – 12 noon

                                        Recording From my last Sound Bath...

To register for the workshop, or to learn more, please contact:
Call:  508.639.9106
Register at Website:

What you get…
  • ·      New ways to Reduce Anxiety
  • ·      Sound tools for Self Care.
  • ·      Sound and Pain Reduction 
  • ·      Experience a centering Sound Bath

Workshops will be held at:
Quantum Health & Wellness    
549 Central Ave. Attleboro, Ma.

Leader:  Greg Carpenter  LMFT
Energy Psychotherapy
EFT & Healing Sound Therapy
PH. 401.265.2951

Himalayan Singing Bowls

Monday, March 18, 2019

Spring Equinox Gong & Singing Bowl Sound Bath

Enjoy a mix of harmonic sounds from Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Native flutes & drum and  Didgeridoo.  This is an experiential Sound Bath/Meditation designed to create a peaceful atmosphere that increase calm, reduces tension and enhances awareness of our Secure & Centered Self. The harmonic vibrations work through the body to get to the mind and our nervous system to create positive shifts in our perceptions, possibilities, thoughts and feelings.

Click here for a link to an a full hour sound bath from last month.
Click here for a link  to a shorter 3.5 min. sample of my playing the Middle Eastern scale Native Flute from a Sound Bath back in January.

Cost: $35
Date: Thursday March 28th
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Location: The Soul Purpose 1225 GAR Highway Swansea, Ma.

What You Get…
  • Sound Bath with Sun, Wind and Burmese Whirling Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls and Native Flutes
  • Experience the Deepening Relaxation Effect of Harmonic Sounds
  • Energetic Release, Renewal & Movement
  • Shifts in Consciousness
contact Jessica Kozak: text (774) 264-1329 or email

Facebook Information

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mesmerizing Sounds

Some of you may have heard of or run across the YouTube videos of ASMR, which stands for autonomous sensory meridian response.  If you haven't, go search it on you tube and check it out.  It is a good sample of how sounds can create a strong relaxation response or what some even describe as a tingling sensation in the body.

On this Thursday (see post below), I will be conducting a Sound Bath using different harmonic instruments that help to put your mind/body/spirit into a relaxation response.  When we get out of our head and busy mind, good things begin to happen as we start to feel more centered.  Here is a link for a two and half minute sample of mesmerizing sounds from four Burmese Whirling Gongs.  I hope you will enjoy them!

Remember, if you would like to experience a Sound Bath, check out the post listed below this one about my event on this Thursday, starting at 7 pm at The Soul Purpose in Swansea Ma.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Winter Gong & Sound Bath

Winter Gong & Sound Bath

Enjoy a mix of harmonic sounds from Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Native flutes & drum and  Didgeridoo.  This is an experiential Sound Bath/Meditation designed to create a peaceful atmosphere that increase calm, reduces tension and enhances awareness of our Secure & Centered Self. The harmonic vibrations work through the body to get to the mind and our nervous system to create positive shifts in our perceptions, possibilities, thoughts and feelings.

Click here for a link to an eight minute section from a recent sound bath.  This one includes an Arabic Flute beginning at around two minutes.

Cost: $35
Date: Thursday Feb 28
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Location: The Soul Purpose 1225 GAR Highway Swansea, Ma.

What You Get…
  • Sound Bath with Sun, Wind and Burmese Whirling Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls and Native Flutes
  • Experience the Deepening Relaxation Effect of Harmonic Sounds
  • Energetic Release, Renewal & Movement
  • Shifts in Consciousness
contact Jessica Kozak: text (774) 264-1329 or email

Facebook Information